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Posts Tagged ‘Porcelain veneers’

Create A Beautiful Celebrity Smile With Smile Makeover Treatment In The City Of Liverpool

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Liverpool is a stylish, glamorous and cosmopolitan city and if you would like to match your smile to your style and get a celebrity smile, we can help! Our smile makeovers produce amazing, natural and healthy looking smiles, which are worthy of the red carpet!

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a treatment made of a series of individual cosmetic services; the aim of a smile makeover is to transform the teeth into a beautiful smile using the latest techniques and treatments. Every smile makeover we do is different because our clients have different needs and expectations.

We offer a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments and we take time to talk to clients about the options available to them; during the consultation stage, we work out the problems that need to be addressed and discuss options to see which treatments would suit the client best. We take a number of factors into consideration when choosing the treatments that make up the smile makeover, including your budget, your needs, your treatment preferences and your perception of the perfect smile.

Popular smile makeover treatments

Our most popular smile makeover treatments include porcelain veneers, tooth whitening, white fillings, porcelain crowns, dental implants and cosmetic braces.

A smile makeover is an ideal choice for people who dislike their smile, those who are looking to give their smile an overhaul and those who long for a flawless smile. Your smile says a lot about you and it is often the first thing people notice about you, so it’s important that you feel happy, comfortable and confident when you smile.

We also offer general dental treatment to address any issues with oral health and facial aesthetics to improve the look of your complexion if you want to really treat yourself to a makeover. Call us today at Liverpool Dental Spa to see how we could give you the smile of your dreams!

Create A Beautiful Smile This Summer With A Smile Makeover In The City Of Liverpool

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

If you’re looking forward to the summer of a lifetime, showcasing your holiday wardrobe, getting together with friends or jetting off on holiday, why not treat yourself to a smile makeover? A smile makeover is the ultimate treat for your teeth and we have many years of experience in creating beautiful, bright smiles.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dental treatment, which is made up of several individual treatments. The aim is to create an amazing new smile and to ensure that you are bursting with confidence every time you flash your pearly whites.

We offer a wide range of cosmetic dental services, including porcelain veneers, white fillings, cosmetic bonding, tooth whitening, cosmetic braces and dental implants to create amazing, natural looking smiles. We work closely with our patients to come up with the perfect smile design to suit their preferences and budget and we pride ourselves on delivering a personalised service.

When it comes to choosing which treatments to have, there are several factors, which may influence your decision, from your budget and the kind of look you want to recreate, to your oral health status and the look of your teeth and gums. We will happily make recommendations and explain how the different treatments work and what each procedure entails.

Am I a suitable candidate for a smile makeover?

If you are unhappy with your smile or you simply want to make some minor changes to make your smile look more attractive, a smile makeover could be the ideal treatment for you. A smile makeover can address a number of common issues, from crooked and jagged teeth, to worn and stained teeth and missing teeth.

Even minor changes to your smile can make a huge difference to your confidence; if you’re conscious about a crooked tooth, you feel that your front teeth are too large or they stick out too much or you hate that your teeth look yellow, we can help. Every smile makeover is different, but all of them look amazing!


Patients In Liverpool Can Get A New Smile With Porcelain Veneers

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Porcelain veneers transform smiles for better first impressions and a beautiful appearance. When others smile the state of their teeth can be noticeable.

About porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dentistry option for masking teeth stains and discolouration or for straightening mildly misaligned teeth. Crafted with the finest porcelain into custom-made veneers, cosmetic dentists bond sculpted veneers to minimally etched tooth surface. The shade and shape of the porcelain veneers are carefully selected as part of a person’s unique smile design.

Porcelain veneers transform smiles

Summer is upon us. It’s a time when we want to look our best and be out in the sunshine. Some of us may have an exciting business prospect or a special occasion such as a birthday or wedding to look forward to.

Having a smile makeover with porcelain veneers enhances our natural beauty and can makes us feel more attractive. Those with discoloured or mildly misaligned teeth may improve their dentition and expression with porcelain veneers to mask yellowed teeth or align skew and irregularly spaced teeth.

Our front teeth are often visible when we smile and may add to or detract from beautiful features. By improving the quality of our front teeth in the smile zone with porcelain veneers, others see cleverly loved porcelain veneers that mimics healthy dentition.

Access porcelain veneers treatment

At Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool we offer treatment with porcelain veneers for an aesthetically-pleasing smile and a boost in self-confidence. The treatment usually involves two appointments for taking of dental impressions and images before creation of bespoke porcelain veneers for a beautiful smile. Get in touch with us today to learn more about the benefits of porcelain veneers for the ultimate smile makeover.


Smile Like A Celebrity With Our Smile Makeover Treatment In Liverpool

Monday, March 25th, 2013

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we have provided treatment for many celebrities, just read our celebrity testimonials page! It is this same quality of treatment, however, which we offer to all our patients, famous or otherwise. No two smiles are ever alike and, similarly, neither are two smile makeovers.

What is a smile makeover?

It is essentially an umbrella term for a variety of treatments tailored to your needs and desires. This could range from the simple application of dental veneers, to teeth whitening and filling replacements.  The limit on a smile makeover is really the limit of dentistry as a whole, so you have a quite a lot to choose from.

The very important consultation

We’re the professionals and we will use our expertise to tailor your smile to your wishes. However, the consultation process in a smile makeover is crucial as we need to know what you want from your smile. Want it to shine brighter? We can do that. Want it straighter? We can do that. In fact, we can help with everything from stained and cracked teeth all the way to replacing missing ones. The integral thing is just getting the dialogue going.

Thinking about your smile

The consultation will be a friendly process and, with our digital imaging software, we should be able to demonstrate the outcome of several treatments. It is a good idea, however, to arrive with an idea of what you want altered. Do you prefer one side of smile? Does your bite feel awkward? Do you think that you have a bit too much gum showing? Opinions as simple as these are important to raise during the consultation, we can then take care of the technical stuff!

Talk to us

Whether it is a total revamp or slight correction, your smile makeover doesn’t begin until you’ve called and booked that all important consultation at our dental spa in Liverpool.



Start The New Year In Style With MAC Veneers For Patients In Liverpool

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

January is a time of year when many of us vow to make a big change in our lives, whether it is to lose weight or finally fix a dental problem. If you’ve spent the last few years with a smile you’re less than happy with now is the time to make a change at the renowned Liverpool Implant & Aesthetic Dental Spa.

If your teeth are stained or discoloured, chipped, fractured or worn, MAC Veneers are a great choice to improve the quality of your smile. The veneers are made using a revolutionary pressed ceramic technique to make them more resistant to staining and chipping, with the added benefit that they can last three times longer than ordinary veneers.

Veneer treatment

This treatment might be right for you if you have gaps between your teeth or where crookedness or misalignment is present. You will receive a beautiful, straight smile with not an ounce of the hassle of orthodontic treatment, which can last many months or even years! Following your initial consultation, the veneers will be fitted in just two visits to our dental spa.

During the procedure, we will first etch the teeth which are to receive veneers and take impressions and photos of them. These and other details related to your preferred shape and colour of veneer are sent to the MicroDental Laboratory in California, where the veneers were invented and continue to be manufactured. On your second visit we will clean your teeth and perform any mild preparatory treatments if necessary, before transforming your smile during what is a short treatment process.

Some time may pass between your first visit and your fitting as we await the return of your new teeth. This is because MicroDental Laboratory is the sole provider of these veneers and do not have a ready-made stock of veneers at their disposal. The company prides itself in hand-tailoring each set of veneers to suit individual patients, and we are here to ensure the experience of their fitting is just as good. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool for more information.



Da Vinci Veneers-The Ultimate Thin Veneer Treatment For Patients In Liverpool

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

For the last 25 years, Da Vinci Veneers has been a favourite choice for many who wanted to use veneers to get rid of their dental imperfections. The major difference between Da Vinci Veneers and other veneers is that they are thinner, last longer and offer greater resistance to chipping and stains.

There are many reasons that cause an individual to be dissatisfied with their smile and Da Vinci Veneers are capable of fixing many of these issues within just 2 or 3 visits to the dentist. Clients who have their teeth chipped, cracked or just need a new surface can benefit from Da Vinci Veneers. Stains on the teeth due to years of red wine and tobacco usage are very difficult to remove. Many times these cannot be completely removed by professional teeth whitening techniques. Even in such cases, Da Vinci Veneers can provide the desired solution. Teeth that have small gaps between them and teeth that are misaligned can also be fixed with the help of Da Vinci Veneers.

The Procedure

Firstly the dentist will analyse the smile and mouth of the patient. The main objective of this analysis is to ensure whether or not veneers are the best option to fix the problem. If the patient is a suitable candidate for Da Vinci Veneers then the dentist will discuss about the colour, shape and size of the veneers. This way the patient remains in charge of all the available choices.

Next the patient’s teeth will be prepared to receive veneers. This will involve the slight removal of enamel from the surface of the tooth. Pictures and impression of the teeth along with your preference for the colour, shape and size will then be sent to the Da Vinci laboratory in California where it’s fabricated. The patient will need to wait for two weeks before the Da Vinci veneers arrive, during this time the patient can wear temporary veneers. Two weeks later Da Vinci veneers will be secured to the teeth using dental cement. If you would like to discuss Da Vinci Veneers with us in more detail, contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa and be on your way to a whiter, brighter smile.



Cover Those Imperfections With High Quality Veneers For Patients In Liverpool

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Alas, everything from a major accident to drinking tea can negatively impact on your teeth and, unless you have been eating tofu in a bubble since birth, chances are some cosmetic blemishes will have reared their niggling little features on those otherwise pristine and pearly whites. Dental veneers are wafer thin shells of tooth-like material which can be affixed to your teeth, thus covering up anything undesired and providing the appearance of perfect teeth. Veneers can help cover gaps, hide stains, and seemingly repair damage teeth and, although not ideal, can even aid with marginally crooked teeth in a process nicknamed ‘instant orthodontics’. There are different types of veneer and the debate tends to be between ‘porcelain or composite’ veneers – which is better? At Liverpool Dental Spa we prefer ‘Lumineers’ – the veneer equivalent of dynamite in a game of rock-paper-scissors.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers are a special type of Veneer made from very thin, but very strong, material.

The advantages of Lumineers

Standard veneers are often called ‘false nails for the teeth,’ in part on account of their thickness. In contrast, Lumineers are called ‘contact lenses for the teeth’ on account of how thin they are. Why exactly is this of any advantage? Standard Veneers require a portion of your front teeth to be removed in order to accommodate them, thus making the process irreversible. Lumineers, in contrast, require little to no teeth preparation, meaning the process can often be reversed.   Composite veneers also tend to have a lifespan of two years at best, whilst Porcelain Veneers typically last for between five and ten years. Lumineers, in contrast, can last for up to twenty years. Lumineers cost more than other veneers, but their durability can make them more cost-effective in the long run. Lumineers are also very versatile and should be able to fit over any other dental work you have had done without any problem.

Do all dentists offer this treatment?

No, but we at Liverpool Dental Spa do. If this specialist treatment sounds right for you, then why not call us for a consultation?



Da Vinci Veneers For a Celebrity Look in Liverpool

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

A Hollywood smile is a desirable smile and something that everyone can have nowadays. Gone are the days when only the rich and famous could have their teeth cosmetically altered. Da Vinci veneers have been at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry for almost 25 years and thanks to shows like ‘Extreme Makeover’ their popularity continues to soar.

How are Da Vinci Veneers different?

The main difference between normal veneers and Da Vinci veneers is that the latter is thinner, highly resistant to chips and staining and they last longer. Veneers can be used to counter a wide range of dental complaints and treatment usually takes 2 to 3 visits to complete. Veneers can be used to cover cracked or chipped teeth, excessively stained teeth, gaps between teeth and misaligned teeth can be addressed.

Hand-crafted for unique quality

Da Vinci veneers are carefully crafted in the Da Vinci laboratory in California and are made to the custom requirements of each patient. Factors such as teeth, mouth shape, facial appearance and patient preference with regards to shape and colour are al taken into consideration.

How does the treatment work?

The treatment process will begin with an assessment of the mouth and smile. This is to determine if veneers are a suitable option and if they are then the dentist can discuss the options with regards to shape and colour.

The teeth that are going to be having veneers will need to be prepared. This involves removing a thin slice of enamel; this is done so that the veneers sits flush with the tooth surface and therefore is not obvious. Impressions and images will be taken of the mouth and teeth and these along with the patient requirements will be sent to California. Temporary veneers will be fitted and the average creation time is two weeks. Once the veneers have been crafted they can be bonded to the teeth


Restoring Damaged, Broken Teeth in the City of Liverpool with Cosmetic Bonding

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Teeth can become broken or damaged for a number of reasons, ranging from trauma (being hit or knocked out) to simple ‘everyday’ wear and tear. When teeth become broken, it is very important to have them treated and repaired. Teeth left damaged can cause problems with eating or speaking normally, to say nothing of the further damage that can be caused by bacteria or infection setting in the broken tooth – sometimes leading as far as an abscess or a tooth falling out altogether. If a tooth is very badly damaged, it may be necessary to have a dental implant to replace the tooth. At the other end of the scale, less serious damage can be corrected with dental veneers, which cover the teeth. However, the most common treatment in the City of Liverpool for damaged teeth is a technique known as composite bonding.

What is composite bonding?

The basic principle behind composite bonding is to bind together the broken parts of the tooth, so that it once again functions like a normal tooth. As the materials used can be matched to the surrounding teeth, it will look like a normal tooth as well. After the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will choose the necessary ‘shade’ of bonding material and then etch the surface of the tooth with a special gel. This gives the bonding material a better surface to grip. The bonding material is then applied, and a special ‘curing’ light is used to set the material. Composite bonding is not as strong as some restorative materials such as porcelain, but worn-down bonding material is very easy to replace, and the procedure is relatively simple in the first place.

The Effective Smile Transformation of Da Vinci Veneers for Patients in Central Liverpool

Monday, June 4th, 2012

If you’re looking for a way to improve your smile then Veneers are a great way to help restore any damaged, crooked or discolored teeth. But instead of going for the traditional normal veneers why not try Da Vinci Veneers, which are offered here at Liverpool Dental Implants and Aesthetics Spa.

What are Da Vinci Veneers?

Da Vinci Veneers come all the way from across the pond in California, and are made from porcelain to provide patients from Central Liverpool and throughout the UK with the beautiful smile regularly seen on American television shows.

Porcelain veneers help repair any crooked, gapped or chipped teeth you may have to help regenerate and bring your smile back to its former glory.  Da Vinci veneers use a thin yet durable piece of porcelain, which is attached to the patient’s tooth. The colour of the veneer can be matched to your own natural teeth and once the veneer has hardened it will look like you never had a problem in the first place.

How are da Vinci Veneers fitted?

The treatment process for the Da Vinci Veneers starts with some mild tooth preparation, involving buffing the front of the tooth to make room for the new veneer that will be placed over the existing tooth. Once this is done molds will be taken of your teeth in order for your Da Vinci Veneers to be created at the Da Vinci lab.

Once these veneers have been created they will be placed onto the teeth using an adhesive to fit them into place. Once this has been done and everyone is satisfied the veneer will be fixed firmly into place with a permanent dental cement, to give you that perfect smile.

If you are interested in any more information or advice on the best dental implants for you, please contact the practice to arrange a consultation- we will be happy to help.



6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern