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Posts Tagged ‘oral health liverpool’

The Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Electric toothbrushes have become very popular and the latest models feature smart technology, wireless capabilities and a host of impressive features, but are they any better than a manual toothbrush and is it worth investing in an electric toothbrush?

Benefits of using an electric toothbrush

Both manual and electric toothbrushes are designed to remove plaque and food debris from the mouth, but there is evidence to suggest that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque because they are more powerful and easy to manoeuvre around the mouth. Electric toothbrushes have brush heads that oscillate very quickly, which provides a more intensive clean and many have very small heads, which can be guided into the corners of the mouth and along the gum line.

An independent study carried out in 2005 found that electric toothbrushes remove plaque more effectively than manual brushes in both the short and long-term. Many people also find it easier to use electric toothbrushes.

Electric toothbrushes nowadays come with a host of added extras and impressive features designed to improve the brushing technique and enhance the cleaning experience. You can buy brushes with wireless capabilities to allow you to see how long you brushed for and how well you brushed your teeth as well as buy brushes with timers to make sure you brush for the recommended time every day and you can even buy brushes that play songs to encourage you to brush for the appropriate time.

Which brush should I buy?

There are lots of different electric toothbrushes available to suit all budgets and preferences. The range of choice is great, but it can make it difficult to choose the best brush for you. We will happily recommend toothbrushes to you, so ask your dentist at Liverpool Implants for advice if you need help choosing a brush or any other oral hygiene products.


Why Fizzy Drinks are so Harmful to Teeth

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

A recent study compared the effects of fizzy drinks on teeth to those of class A drugs and found the results to be similar! Some critics have questioned the results of this study, but the fact that it was even entertained by an academic researcher should give some idea of how serious the effect of fizzy drinks can be on teeth.

How does this happen?

Well the classic answer is to do with amount of sugar in fizzy drinks: The bacteria present in your mouth love to feed on sugary and starchy food. They then use these foods as fuel to produce plaque and acid, both of which cause tooth decay and other undesirable dental effects. The acid, in particular, attacks the enamel, and these attacks will occur every single time you have a starchy snack or sugary drink. It doesn’t end here, however. Fizzy drinks often contain acids within them which start these attacks prior to bacteria churning through the sugar! These acids also lower the pH of your saliva, thus allowing bacteria to multiply on your teeth and cause further damage!

Diet vs. Original

Think diet fizzy drinks make much of a difference? Standard, sugary soft drinks pack a double wallop by first weakening enamel and then having their high sugar content penetrate the tooth. Diet drinks simply weaken enamel and then let bacteria from other foods do the major damage.

Visible effects

Your teeth, after continued fizzy drink abuse, will look different as your enamel will be damaged. They won’t look as white as they had been and may appear translucent at the edges, or possibly more yellow as more dentin will be visible through your thinned enamel. The top surface of your tooth may also appear dented, curved or uneven.

Less visible effects

As you have less enamel than usual protecting the lower echelons of your tooth, you may feel more pain, irritation or general discomfort when you are chewing or drinking hot or cold liquids.

Lessen the impact

Want the odd glass of a soft drink? If you can, drink it through a straw (thus avoiding more of your teeth). Drink it quickly (as more sipping means more exposure to acid) and rinse your mouth when done. Chewing sugar free gum after also helps increase saliva production and raises the pH in your mouth. For more information on oral hygiene why not get in touch with us at Liverpool Dental Spa.


Expert Advice on Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

Oral hygiene improved thanks to advice from Liverpool dentists

Having a healthy mouth has many benefits as oral conditions such as gum disease and tooth decay can be painful and lead to tooth loss.  In an image conscious world, this is definitely something to avoid.  If it doesn’t get that far, poor oral hygiene can still cause bad breath and staining to the teeth.  If your teeth and gums aren’t functioning properly it makes eating, drinking and talking much more difficult.

Healthy mouths are clean, free of debris and include pink gums.  Poor oral hygiene can lead to pain in the gums and sometimes bleeding.  Your teeth might have brown or yellow deposits on them and your mouth might feel sore when you eat.  These early indicators of poor oral hygiene are worth knowing because they can be relayed to your dentist who can advise you on how to stop them getting worse.

Dentists recommend that you spend about three minutes brushing your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, which will help to strengthen enamel, your teeth’s natural defence.  You should also be sure to floss to stop plaque building up between teeth where it is hard for brushes to reach. Plaque is a major cause of poor oral hygiene because it allows acids in some of the foods you eat to attack enamel and eventually cause painful cavities in your teeth.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Liverpool dentists are here to help

Make sure you visit your Liverpool dentist every six months so your mouth can be thoroughly checked for any signs of poor oral hygiene.  The fact is that many of the symptoms of poor oral hygiene can seem quite innocuous but if they are allowed to worsen they can lead to serious problems like tooth loss.

5 Dental Tips to Carry You Into the Autumn Months

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Summer days are fading away and autumn is approaching. If you want to enjoy a bright and healthy smile, here are five top tips to carry you into the autumn:

Book a dental check: if you’re due a check-up, the new season is the perfect time to call and arrange an appointment. We offer flexible opening times and will happily see members of your family at the same time. Check-ups are quick and if you get the all-clear, you won’t have to come back and see us for another six months!
Swap your toothbrush: if you haven’t swapped your toothbrush or replaced the head of your electric brush for a while, the arrival of autumn is a good excuse to treat yourself. Ideally, we recommend replacing brushes every 3-4 months. This helps to ensure effective cleaning, as worn bristles don’t work as well as new ones.
Hone your brushing skills: this autumn, set yourself a goal to improve your daily oral hygiene regime and step up your efforts when it comes to brushing and flossing. If you need any advice or any help at all, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team of dentists and dental hygienists.
Book a hygiene session: many people assume that they need to be suffering with painful gums or bad breath in order to see a dental hygienist, but our hygiene services are accessible to all and we strongly recommend an annual session, even for those with healthy teeth. Seeing a hygienist provides you with a really deep clean, which will banish any bacteria, plaque and tartar and also polish your teeth to give your smile a lovely sparkle.
Cut down on sugary foods: research shows that many people consume too much sugar and this is contributing to high rates of dental decay. The World Health Organisation recommends a daily intake of just six teaspoons of sugar. We also recommend avoiding acidic foods and drinks where possible, as the acids weaken and erode tooth enamel.

Exorcise Goulish Gum Disease in Liverpool

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

If you’re battling bleeding gums and you think you may have ghoulish gum disease, we are here to exorcise your dental demons and allow you to enjoy pain-free, healthy gums.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral disease, which is most commonly caused by plaque. Plaque is a substance that forms in the mouth when bacteria and food debris are joined together by saliva. It is sticky and it clings to the gum line and the outer enamel surface of the teeth. When bacteria feed, they release plaque acids, which irritate your gums, causing them to become painful, red and tender. You may notice that your gums feel swollen and sore and they may bleed when you brush your teeth.

What to do if you have symptoms of gum disease

If you have signs of gum disease, including bleeding, painful and inflamed gums, call us and book an appointment. With gum disease, it’s best to treat the problem as soon as possible so that the condition doesn’t become more advanced. Mild gum disease is treatable, but advanced gum disease (periodontal disease) causes permanent damage to the gums and the underlying bone tissue, resulting in premature loss of the teeth.

If you have mild gum disease, also known as gingivitis, we can usually treat this effectively with hygiene treatments. We can also offer advice about how to prevent gum disease with good oral hygiene at home, diet and giving up smoking.

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is preventable and simply devoting 5 minutes every day to oral hygiene will stand your gums in very good stead. Try to ensure you spend at least 2 minutes every morning and evening brushing your teeth, taking care to cover every surface of every individual tooth and avoiding brushing too firmly. Regular dental checks are also really important and we recommend sticking to a healthy diet and limiting the amount of sugar you consume.

If you have risk factors for gum disease, we also recommend seeing one of our incredible dental hygienists on a regular basis.

Hygiene Treatment For All The Family at Liverpool Dental Spa

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we love welcoming the whole family to the clinic and we offer flexible appointments and family sessions to make life easier for our patients. We offer the latest innovations in cosmetic, restorative and orthodontic dentistry, as well as a full range of general dental and hygiene treatments to ensure your teeth remain healthy, bright and strong. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and the services to keep dental disease away and ensure you feel confident and comfortable when you smile.

Our hygiene treatments

We offer hygiene treatments for all the family and we cannot stress the benefits of seeing a dental hygienist enough. Our amazing dental hygienists are highly trained and very experienced and they offer cleaning treatments, gum disease prevention and management and preventative services for children, such as sealants and fluoride varnish.

Our cleaning treatments are designed to remove bacteria from the mouth, eliminate plaque and tartar and cleanse the mouth for fresh breath. We also polish the teeth, for a radiant, healthy looking smile. Cleaning treatments are beneficial for everyone, but they are particularly important for patients who have gum disease and those who have a high risk of developing gum disease.

Our preventative treatments for children are designed to protect and strengthen the teeth to lower the risk of dental decay. Both sealants and fluoride varnish are painless and highly effective; the procedures are simple and they only take a few minutes.

Dental checks

In addition to dental hygiene sessions, we also recommend regular routine check-ups and we are happy to offer appointments for the whole family to save you time and make planning ahead easier. Check-ups don’t take long and there is absolutely no pain involved, but they can really make a difference when it comes to oral health for adults and children.

Detecting Decay in the Centre of Liverpool

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Our mission is for our patients to have strong, healthy teeth and gums and beautiful, happy smiles and we focus on preventative dental care to achieve this goal. We offer a range of general and preventative oral health services, including decay detection, to boost oral health and keep nasty diseases at bay.

Detecting decay

Decay can often advance gradually and it can take some time for visible symptoms to become noticeable; this is why we use state of the art technology to identify potential changes and warning signs at a very early stage. The earlier we can intervene, the higher the chance of saving the tooth from infection and keeping it strong and free from decay.

We check for signs of decay during routine check-ups using a very powerful light source and magnifying instruments. If we do detect symptoms of decay, we can then administer treatment before the situation deteriorates and more intensive treatment is required.

Signs to look out for

The most common signs of tooth decay include sensitivity, tooth pain and a feeling of weakness when you use the tooth; it is sometimes possible to see a cavity in the tooth surface, but this is not always the case. If you have these symptoms, it’s advisable to se your dentist as soon as you can, rather than waiting for next scheduled check-up, as decay tends to progress and it’s best to catch it early. The most common treatment for minor decay is a filling.

Preventing tooth decay

Tooth decay is extremely common, but it is almost always preventable. By following these simple steps, you can drastically reduce your risk of developing cavities:

  • see your dentist for a check-up every 6 months
  • stick to a thorough daily oral hygiene regime, including brushing twice a day and flossing
  • avoid sugary and acidic foods, especially between meals
  • wait an hour before brushing after eating
  • see your dentist if you have sensitive teeth or toothache

Optimising Your Oral Hygiene in the Centre of Liverpool

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

Good oral hygiene is the single most effective weapon against nasty oral diseases and at Liverpool Dental Spa we are here to help you optimise your oral hygiene, keep diseases at bay and enjoy a beautiful, healthy and bright smile. We offer dental hygiene treatments and services as well as advice about maintaining a good oral hygiene regime at home.

Dental hygiene at Liverpool Dental Spa

Dental hygiene is a really important part of our preventative and general dental service and we highly recommend seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis. This is not just beneficial for patients who have existing issues,  it can also really help those with good oral health to maintain healthy, strong teeth and gums.

Our hygienists provide a range of preventative services, as well as treatment for bad breath, staining and gum disease. Oral hygiene treatments are designed to provide intensive and powerful cleaning to free the mouth from harmful bacteria and cleanse and polish the teeth and gums to prevent decay and gingivitis.

Oral hygiene at home

It’s really important to maintain a thorough daily oral hygiene routine at home and to keep on top of brushing and flossing to prevent plaque formation. Plaque is the sticky substance you can see and feel on the teeth if you avoid brushing, and is the main cause of gum disease and decay.

We recommend brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes in the morning and evening. Ideally, you should use fluoride toothpaste and ensure that you cover every surface of every tooth and spend an equal amount of time on each quadrant of the mouth. If you have trouble keeping track of how long you’ve brushed for, it may be worth buying a brush with a timer, setting a timer on your phone or even brushing along to your favourite song.

Flossing is also really beneficial as it cleans between the teeth and along the gum line. Try to floss daily and always be very gentle – don’t pull at the floss, as this can hurt your gums.

Keep Bad Breath at Bay in Liverpool

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

The last thing you want is to feel self-conscious every time you meet a friend for a coffee, stand up to deliver a presentation or place an order at the bar. Bad breath is a very common problem, but it can be embarrassing and if it affects you on a regular basis, it can have a major bearing on day to day life. At Liverpool Dental Spa, our dentists and dental hygienists can help to banish bad breath for good, leaving you free to enjoy getting together with friends and filled with confidence when it comes to face to face meetings at work.

Why have I got bad breath?

Most cases of bad breath are linked to poor oral hygiene, which results in bacteria gathering in your mouth. When these bacteria feed, they emit gases, which smell unpleasant and this is why you get bad breath.

Many people also find that they get bad breath after drinking tea and coffee or after eating strong flavours, such as garlic and spicy curries.

Smoking is also a common cause of bad breath.

What can be done for bad breath?

If you have persistent bad breath, rather than unpleasant breath after eating specific types of food, it’s likely that there is an underlying cause. Our dentists will work to establish this cause and then find ways of solving the issues. Dental hygiene treatments are usually very effective, as they remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth and provide a really deep and intense clean. We often recommend regular hygiene sessions, which should be coupled with a thorough daily oral hygiene plan at home.

We also recommend chewing sugar-free gum after eating and avoiding triggers that you know will cause bad breath.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern