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Posts Tagged ‘anti-snoring devices’

No More Snores with Sleep Apnoea Treatment in Liverpool

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Snoring affects us all from time to time, but persistent snoring is a sign that the body is struggling to get enough oxygen, and it can be early indicator of sleep apnoea. At Liverpool Dental Spa we understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and we can provide treatment for snoring and sleep apnoea.

What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a condition that affects your breathing while you sleep. It can be very serious and is most commonly found in people who are overweight. The word apnoea means an interruption in breathing, which lasts for at least 10 seconds; it is caused by the muscles in the throat relaxing, causing the airway to become blocked. In mild cases, sleep apnoea can be controlled with lifestyle choices and specially designed appliances; however, in more severe cases, patients require careful monitoring and are usually advised to wear breathing apparatus during the night.

How we can help snoring and sleep apnoea

We have solutions for sleep apnoea and snoring. Both these issues can be alleviated using a custom-made bite guard, which helps to ensure that the airway stays open when you are sleeping. Your breathing will be better and there is a lower risk of sleep disturbance and snoring, which is also beneficial for your partner and other members of your household.

We can also offer lifestyle advice and tips to help to reduce the risk of snoring and sleep apnoea, such as giving up smoking, diet and nutritional information and posture and sleeping position.

Treating Snoring And Sleep Apnoea For Patients In The City Of Liverpool

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Snoring is a very common problem; most of us snore now and again, but for some people it is a constant issue, which may disrupt sleep and place strain and pressure on relationships.

What causes snoring?

The noises you hear when somebody next to you is snoring are made by the vibrations of the soft palate and the other soft tissues in the mouth. There are several risk factors for snoring, including being overweight or obese, sleeping on your back, drinking alcohol and suffering from illnesses, such as colds or flu and allergic rhinitis (this occurs when the inside of the nose becomes inflamed as a result of an allergy, usually to pollen).

Snoring can potentially be serious and it can have an impact on day to day life; it can also be a symptom of sleep apnoea.

What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a condition, which makes it very difficult to breathe during sleep; people who have severe sleep apnoea often wear oxygen masks during the night to ensure that they can breathe while they are asleep. Sleep apnoea is most common in people who are very overweight or obese; it occurs as a result of the airways becoming restricted.

Sleep apnoea can be very serious and potentially life-threatening; it is important that it is managed properly.

How can snoring and sleep apnoea be treated?

Lifestyle changes can help to ease symptoms of sleep apnoea and snoring; these changes may include avoiding alcohol in the evenings, cutting down on alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

In tandem with lifestyle changes, other treatments may be beneficial. We offer specialist custom-made mouth guards to aid breathing during sleep by keeping the airways open and clear. Using a bite guard will make it easier to breathe and also restore calm to the bedroom and prevent early morning arguments caused by snoring and keeping your partner awake.


Snoring And Sleep Apnea Treatments For Patients In Liverpool

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

We see the world through a glass darkly, and no glass is darker than the haze of sleeplessness: Once delightful task become odious chores, a simple crossword can feel like quantum mechanics, and that once beaming personality of yours is acting like it has crawled up from Hades’ realm. Sleep apnea is a condition characterised by abnormal breathing during sleep and, despite sufferers often not knowing they are suffering from it, it can leave its victims feeling greatly fatigued. Snoring is another, perhaps more well known, sleep condition; less well known, however, is that snoring does not just affect the others who have it hear it, it affects the snorer as well! Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both snorers and those around them, it also seen as an early indication of sleep apnea! Well, thankfully we at Liverpool Dental Spa have a solution for those suffering from either of the aforementioned conditions!

A specialist bite guard

Snoring is often a sign that you aren’t getting quite enough oxygen when sleeping. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we can cook up a specialist bite guard which will keep your airways clear and have you breathing comfortably for the whole night. Snoring is often caused by soft tissue in the mouth falling inward whilst you sleep, blocking your airway. These bite guards tend to position the jaw forward ever so slightly, whilst keeping your tongue in an appropriate position, thus leaving your airway unblocked! This will, in turn, allow for a much more restful sleep. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we also work loosely with hospital professionals so as to provide an all-round service regarding the bite guard. Many snorers don’t realise quite how exhausted they have been until they have a good night’s sleep with one of our bite guards!

Talk to us

Does a good night’s sleep sound wonderful? Does stopping your partner from you keeping you up at night sound pretty good too? Then call Liverpool Dental Spa and book a consultation!




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