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Posts Tagged ‘City of Liverpool’

Beautify The Teeth And The Face Here In Liverpool

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

More and more people are choosing to have cosmetic treatments to enhance their appearance and at Liverpool Implant and Aesthetic Dental Spa we are delighted to offer our clients the latest cosmetic dental and facial treatments. Botox is a very popular treatment, which refreshes and smoothes the complexion, creating a younger look.

About Botox

Botox is a non-invasive, temporary treatment, which is commonly used to tackle lines and wrinkles. Botox is a form of toxin, but it is used in extremely small quantities and is considered a very safe facial aesthetic treatment; it is injected into the skin and helps to smooth the complexion by restricting the contraction of the facial muscles by blocking nerve signals to the muscles.

Botox produces temporary results, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who are considering invasive and long-term treatment. It can be topped-up easily, which gives patients the option to continue with treatment; typically, the results last up to 5 months.

What does treatment involve?

Before you have treatment we invite you to a consultation so that we can discuss what happens during treatment and which areas you want to address; many people choose to have Botox to smooth lines and wrinkles on their forehead, around the eyes and around the nose. The actual procedure is very quick and simple; a fine needle is used to inject Botox into the areas the patient wishes to treat and most sessions are complete within 10-20 minutes. There is no recovery time and you can get back to normal day to day life as soon as you leave the clinic.

If you are worried about wrinkles or you wish your skin looked a little brighter, younger and smoother, Botox could be the answer. The procedure is simple and painless and you don’t have to commit to permanent treatment. Get in touch with the team in Liverpool for more information.

What Happens During Root Canal Surgery In Liverpool?

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Even the words ‘root canal treatment’ can conjure up horrible images and feelings of anxiety, but root canal treatment is nothing to be afraid if; it is a very common procedure, which is used to save a tooth that has been infected. You may be advised to have root canal treatment if an infection in your tooth has reached the pulp chamber; this is where the living tissue is found.

Why would I need root canal treatment?

You may be advised to have root canal treatment if your tooth is damaged or infected and harmful bacteria have reached the pulp chamber; the pulp chamber contains the nerves and blood vessels and once it is infected, the tooth starts to die. If the infection is allowed to spread, the bacteria can cause damage to the surrounding bone and gum tissue and there may be no choice but to extract the tooth. Root canal treatment helps to prevent the infection from spreading, allowing the tooth to be saved. Sometimes, the symptoms of infection are hard to detect and this is why regular dental check-ups are so important.

What does root canal treatment involve?

Root canal treatment involves two key parts; the first part involves drilling into the tooth and removing the decayed tissue from the root canals. The tooth is anaesthetised prior to the procedure to prevent any pain. Once the root canals have been cleaned thoroughly and the root canals are completely free from decayed tissue, they are then filled using dental material; this is done to prevent infection from spreading.

It is common to have a new crown fitted after root canal treatment; a crown is a type of restoration, which helps to strengthen the tooth. Porcelain crowns are very popular because they produce a very natural look; the crown will be custom-mad to fit the tooth perfectly.

Root canal treatment is usually done over the course of two or three sessions. Why not contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.



Tackling Bad Breath For Patients In Liverpool

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Bad breath or halitosis may be our worst nightmare and we may only become aware of our smell when it is pointed out by others or by a dentist. Understanding what may cause bad breath may help us reduce the likelihood of developing the condition, and receive treatment for a fresher mouth.

Oral hygiene

Keeping the mouth clean is a sure way to keep the breath fresh. An unclean mouth due to poor oral hygiene may release foul odours, particularly as old food debris between teeth decays and attracts infection-causing bacteria. Regular oral hygiene practice as recommended by a dentist helps to remove plaque and bacteria that may be harmful to the mouth.

Regular six-monthly dental check-ups combined with teeth scaling and polishing with the dental hygienist helps to manage oral hygiene. We may not be able to reach all tooth grooves with a tooth brush to remove plaque and bacteria. A dental hygienist is skilled in dental hygiene and disease prevention, providing support for our oral care.

Smoking habits

Smokers may develop smoker’s breath as a yellow film covers the tongue attracting plaque and bacteria causing the breath to smell bad. Dental hygienists help smokers improve the standard of their oral hygiene to reduce smoker’s breath and to screen for oral cancer. They provide guidance on oral care products for smokers to prevent decay and disease.

Gum disease

Inflamed gums may be the start of gingivitis or gum disease. Gingivitis causes the gums to appear red, swollen raising likelihood of gum bleeds. If the condition worsens, periodontal disease may develop with bad breath as infection sets in and loose teeth. Dentists screen for gum disease and at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool we look for early signs so that the right treatment may be provided. Get in touch with us about oral health screening.


The Benefits Of Fixed Braces Treatment For Patients In Liverpool

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Thankfully, dentists have vastly improved on traditional braces systems that cause painful mouth irritation and poor oral hygiene during teeth straightening treatment. Modern fixed braces systems have revolutionised orthodontics for treating mild to severe orthodontic conditions so that more people may receive the teeth straightening treatment they need.

Treating orthodontic conditions

Teeth that irregularly positioned due to tooth gaps, are crooked, protruding or misaligned may be corrected with a fixed braces system. If left untreated, these types of orthodontic conditions may lead to bite or jaw disorders and general health may suffer too.

For some the thought of braces is daunting. Pictures of harsh metal braces covering front teeth may flood the mind. We may be reminded of Ugly Betty and the stigma of metal “train-track” braces. At Liverpool Dental Spa we invest in the best teeth straightening treatments so that individuals may experience greater comfort, better health and an aesthetically-pleasing look during treatment.

Low-friction fixed braces systems

Where some orthodontic conditions may be treatable with modern invisible braces systems made of clear plastic aligners, not all conditions are suitably treated with this discrete option. Our dentist evaluates each person and recommends teeth straightening treatment accordingly.

Low-friction braces systems are an alternative for fast and effective teeth straightening. We offer In-Ovation R and Damon fixed braces systems so that you may have the choice of a treatment that is right for your needs.

Gently attached to the teeth, the brackets connect to an archwire that repositions teeth using orthodontic pressure. These fixed braces systems are of a light modern design with clear brackets or tooth-coloured material for greater discretion during treatment.

Accessing a fixed braces system

Get in touch with us for more information about our modern braces systems. We provide consultation to assess individual orthodontic conditions for people of all ages.


Removable braces for patients in Liverpool

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

At Liverpool Dental Spa we offer three types of removable brace, all of which are practically invisible, these are: Invisalign, Perfect Clear and Clearstep. The precise differences between these three systems are quite subtle, but they all share the same basic advantages.

Practical advantages of the treatments

One of the major problems with fixed braces is that they are fixed. Being unable to remove your brace makes cleaning difficult, thus allowing food particles to build up in hard to reach areas of your mouth. Your mouth is full of bacteria, and food particles left there will combine with said bacteria to produce plaque. If plaque is left untreated, it will begin to use sugary and starchy food particles to produce acid. This acid will then erode your teeth. The easiest way to prevent this is to stop plaque from forming, but this can be a little tricky if you can’t reach all of your mouth. Removable braces mean that you can simply take the obstacle out before a thorough clean! Eating certain foods can also be a problem with fixed braces, as certain foods can either break or get stuck in your brace. Again, by being able to remove your brace this problem is overcome.

Practically invisible

The major aesthetic complaint pertaining to fixed braces is their appearance. Somehow, and for some unknown reason, a little wire and elastic seems to conjure up images of adolescent awkwardness, something which many would prefer to avoid. Thankfully the braces available at Liverpool Dental Spa are all made of clear plastic, making them virtually invisible! Plus, if you are worried that some eagle eyed individual will be inspecting your pearly whites, you can sneakily take them off for a brief period!


Changing Your Smile With A Smile Makeover For Patients in Liverpool

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

The philosopher Bertrand Russell once quipped that ‘everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise.’ Although the smile makeover is a problem Russell himself never grappled with, his point certainly rings true: Despite how deceptively simple it sounds, the smile makeover is a rather difficult to pin down. This is because it is not a set procedure as much as it is an umbrella term for a variety of potential procedures. The outcome of a smile makeover is to make your smile look how you want it; the actual method of achieving this could involve a variety of different procedures. A smile makeover could be called a flexible, comprehensive, goal-specific treatment, but you can leave all that mumbo-jumbo to the dentists. What really matters is that, here at Liverpool Dental Spa, we are here to provide all the skill and expertise required to provide your smile a makeover.

The crucial consultation

Given the aforementioned difficulties in pinning the treatment down, the consultation process is perhaps the most integral part of a smile makeover. Don’t panic though! Our crack team of professionals are here to the tough stuff. All we really need from you is an idea of what it is you want from your teeth. Would you like them straighter? Do you think the colour is a bit off? Whatever the complaint or desire, we are more than ready to help.

Contemplating your smile

Thanks to our advanced digital imaging software, we will actually be able to present virtual mock-ups of the outcome of several treatments. Arriving with a few ideas of what you want is important, but, once you arrive, we can than demonstrate the outcomes of your ideas and start to hone down what it is you want.

Examples of treatments

Missing teeth can be replaced, stained teeth can be made 16 shades lighter, garish amalgam fillings can be replaced, gum lines can be recontoured, cracked or chipped teeth can be covered up by porcelain veneers, and that is just the tip of the iceberg!

Talk to us

Get that conversation going; after all, it is the most crucial part of a smile makeover!



Denture Treatment For Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

Retro is certainly in at present, and you can’t get more retro in dentistry than dentures: Their usage can be traced all the way back to 700BC. Those early dentures were mostly made from animal teeth, with models in later centuries also being constructed from wood. Thankfully, the dentures we offer at Liverpool Dental Spa aren’t quite that retro… Just as vintage designs can be reproduced with all the benefits of modern technology – one need think merely of the laser turntable – so an ancient dental concept can be updated to suit one’s modern needs.

What are dentures exactly?

Dentures are essentially a way of replacing missing teeth. The can be constructed so as to stand in for a full set of teeth (a full denture), or just to fill in for a few missing ones (a partial denture). Modern dentures are made from an acrylic resin which is then affixed to metal. Partial dentures are fantastic at preventing your healthy teeth from moving about, and both full and partial dentures are great at fighting the infamous issues of speech and eating which are associated with missing teeth.

Having your dentures fitted

The process of having dentures fitted will take, on average, a month and you will most likely need to have 5 appointments with your dentist during this procedure. An impression of your mouth will be produced and this will then be used as a basis for your dentures. You will also be given a ‘trial denture’, just to ensure that you are happy with the look and feel of dentures generally. If any other work (such as tooth extraction) is required before having your dentures fitted, you will typically wait two months post-surgery before your dentures will be fitted; this allows your gums to heal. Following the dentures being fitted, you might find them a little odd to use. Don’t fret! This perfectly is normal. It is best to only eat soft foods and drink for a while after you denture has been fitted.

Are dentures okay to wear at night?

It is best, when you are going to sleep, to take them out as it lets your gums rest.

Talk to us

Are you considering dentures? Then contact us at Liverpool Dental Spa.


Children’s Dentistry For Little Patients In Liverpool

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Old habits die hard, and the oldest habits we have are the ones formed in youth. With your children, it’s important to make sure that one of those habits is effective oral hygiene. Not least for the obvious future benefit, but also for their baby teeth. Contrary to popular belief, baby teeth are not a dental ‘test drive’. No, in fact, losing a baby tooth early can alter the shape of your child’s face! Children’s dentistry is a big deal and we at Liverpool Dental Spa will do all we can to ensure a happy future for your child’s pearly whites.

Checkups for children

Prevention is better than cure and we are always on hand to examine your child’s teeth. In fact, we recommend bringing them in even before their teeth have erupted, just to ensure that all is progressing smoothly. Getting your child into the habit of regular trips to the dentist is important, but we can also ensure that your child’s teeth are developing properly. That way, you can concentrate on the parenting with a little less to worry about!

Dental education

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we will provide your children with all the information they require to best look after their teeth at home. This includes information on brushing techniques, flossing and the importance of a good routine. We also provide information on the effects of one’s diet and lifestyle on their teeth.

Overcoming dental phobia

Introducing your child to the dentist in a friendly, informative way, your child will be less likely to develop dental phobia and anxiety in the future. Dental phobia can be crippling and can lead to major dental problems to the patient avoiding checkups. Trying your best to quash these groundless fears is paramount!

Preventative measures

Alongside education and examination, we also offer preventative treatments which can help protect your child’s teeth until they are more competent at maintaining their teeth. These include fissure sealants and fluoride application which can help prevent decay and damage.

Contact us

Want to take advantage of all these wonderful services? Then call us at Liverpool Dental Spa!


Invisible Braces For Discreet Straightening For Patients In Liverpool

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Everyone wants that perfect smile. The one that makes other people stop and notice your incredibly straight teeth. But unfortunately the chances are that some of your teeth may crooked or overlap with one another. Of course this can be remedied with braces as we all know. But lets face it, braces aren’t particularly popular- no one really fancies the idea of wearing a brace for three years. So dentists worked hard to come up with a solution, one of which is Invisalign braces treatment, a discreet fast acting system that is easily fitted and practically invisible.

The technology behind Invisalign

Most braces are fitted to the front of your teeth and gradually tightened over time so that your teeth are pulled into place. However, Invisalign is a plastic aligner that can be taken out to eat and brush your teeth. It is customized to fit around the contours of your teeth so it is comfortable and is made from clear plastic so it is only really noticeable up close. You have to wear the aligner for two weeks and then switch to another aligner, which is a slightly different shape. As this process is continued throughout your treatment, your teeth are gradually brought into line in a shorter time frame than other brace systems.

The benefits of Invisalign

As Invisalign is removable, it’s easier to maintain good oral hygiene. You don’t run the risk of getting pieces of food caught in your brace and your brace can be cleaned whenever you like. The clear plastic makes the brace extremely discreet and it is also very flexible so it is comfortable as there are no wires poking you in the gums. Also, as the brace is not fixed to your teeth, it does not cause any damage or discolouration to their surface so once the brace has done its job, there’s no further treatment required to spruce up your teeth. Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa for more information.


Children’s Dentistry At Liverpool Dental Spa

Monday, February 4th, 2013

At Liverpool Dental Spa, our dentists provide a warm and friendly environment for families to receive oral health care. Parents and guardians are offered support in protecting their child’s or children’s oral health so that they develop into healthy adults.

The range of services that we offer for children includes:

  • Supporting parents with infants and teething
  • Providing assessment and advice about child oral health development concerns
  • Regular check-ups with our child-friendly dentists
  • Oral hygiene education with our dental hygienist
  • Dietary recommendations for healthy teeth and gums, and better well-being
  • Treatments such as fissure sealant and fluoride application to prevent tooth decay
  • Dental phobia care to reduce anxiety about dental treatments

Child dental health is important for development of healthy oral structures and overall well-being. Starting in infancy, children need oral health assessment to ensure that their dental structures are developing normally.

Children’s dentistry

Children may be born with hereditary oral health conditions, such as cleft palate or malocclusion, needing specific care. Those with dexterity difficulties may need help with oral hygiene. Children with learning difficulties may be prone to orthodontic conditions that may affect their nutrition and speech. The right dental treatments allow for healthier nutrition and speech.

The gums of infants may be sensitive. Our dentists advise on oral health products for teething. As milk teeth appear, the teeth need cleaning to remove plaque, prevent bacterial infections and tooth decay.

Regular check-ups

Through regular dental check-ups and screening, children may receive the oral health care needed to prevent onset of tooth decay, gum disease and orthodontic conditions.

We provide parents and guardians with ways in which they can help their children learn the importance of oral health care. The dental hygienist answers questions, demonstrates proper teeth brushing techniques, and provides information about child oral health care products.



6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern