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Posts Tagged ‘snoring treatment liverpool’

Have a Silent Night This Christmas Thanks to Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Treatment

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

If silent nights are something of a rarity in your household due to snoring or sleep apnoea, we may be able to help restore peace this Christmas.

About snoring and sleep apnoea

Snoring is a very common problem. In most cases, it is a temporary issue that often coincides with colds and coughs, drinking alcohol or sleeping on your back. In some cases, snoring is a much more frequent or long-term issue and if snoring is starting to get you down or cause problems in your relationship, it’s time to do something about it. Persistent snoring may be a sign that your body is struggling to get enough oxygen while you sleep and there may be simple steps you can take to reduce snoring and improve your quality of sleep, as well as making things more harmonious with other members of the household. The main risks factors for snoring include smoking, being overweight, drinking alcohol and sleeping in a position that makes breathing more difficult.

Sleep apnoea is not the same as snoring, but snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is a disorder that occurs when your breathing is interrupted as a result of the airway becoming obstructed when you sleep. Apnoea refers to disturbances that last at least 10 seconds. Mild sleep apnoea can often be improved by adopting healthy lifestyle choices, but in more severe cases, more intensive action should be taken.

Treating snoring and sleep apnoea

If snoring is a persistent problem or you have mild sleep apnoea, using a mandibular advancement device may be helpful. This custom-designed appliance helps to move the jaw forward, opening up the airway. Making positive changes to your lifestyle, such as giving up smoking, doing regular exercise, cutting down your alcohol intake and losing weight can also help.

If you would like to find out more about how we could help you, simply give us a call.

What Causes Snoring, and How Can It Be Stopped?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

If you regularly wake during the night due to snoring or are living with a snorer and it’s making life difficult, we can help.

What causes snoring?

Snoring occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the mouth vibrates. It causes grunting, snorting and heavy breathing noises. Often, snoring is nothing to worry about, but if it keeps you or other people from enjoying a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, it may be worth thinking about seeking help. Sleep is so important because it enables us to rest and recharge our batteries ready for the next day. If you miss out on sleep on a frequent basis, it can lead to daytime tiredness, irritability, low energy levels and loss of focus and concentration.

There are various risk factors for snoring, which include:

  • being overweight
  • living a sedentary lifestyle
  • smoking
  • allergies
  • respiratory illnesses, such as asthma
  • drinking alcohol
  • sleeping on your back

What can be done to stop snoring?

Often, snoring can be helped by addressing some of the risk factors listed above and this may involve making very minor changes to your sleeping routine and your lifestyle choices. Losing weight, cutting down on alcohol (especially during the evenings) and taking up regular exercise can all make a huge difference. Giving up smoking is also really beneficial for sleep, as well as your general health and wellbeing.

In cases where snoring is linked to allergies, taking medication can help to ease symptoms. It may also be beneficial to invest in hypoallergenic bedding.

If snoring is linked to a lack of air flow while you sleep, we can provide a specialist custom-made bite guard that helps to keep the airway open while you sleep, increasing the amount of oxygen flowing into the body.

If you’re struggling with snoring, call us today. We could help to banish noisy nights and restore peace for good.

Sleep Through the Witching Hour with Snoring Treatment in Liverpool

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

There’s a ghostly chill in the air, as we approach Halloween, but if it’s snoring, and not horror films, that is keeping you awake at night, we are here to help restore order to your bedroom and enable you to enjoy a peaceful, undisturbed night’s rest.

Snoring is a common problem, but if you snore on a persistent basis, it can really take its toll, especially on those around you. If snoring has become a problem in your household, now is the perfect time to do something about it.

Why do I snore?

There are many reasons why people snore. The actual noise you hear when somebody is snoring is caused by the vibration of the soft tissue at the back of the mouth and risk factors include smoking, being overweight and drinking alcohol. Many people also find that they snore occasionally when they sleep on their back or when they have a cough or cold, which affects their breathing during the night.

What can be done for snoring?

Sometimes, making minor changes to your lifestyle or routine can help with snoring; these changes may include doing more exercise, giving up smoking, losing weight and avoiding drinking alcohol in the evenings. It’s also advisable to sleep on your side, rather than your back.

In cases where more intensive treatment is required, we may recommend using a specially-made bite guard, which places the jaw in a forward position and increases air flow during the night.

If snoring is an issue for you, you don’t have to suffer any more; call us now and book your consultation.


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