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Archive for the ‘restorative dentistry’ Category

What Happens During Root Canal Surgery For Patients In Liverpool?

Monday, January 7th, 2013

When a patient complains of tooth ache or arrives at our door with a badly damaged or infected tooth, the symptoms are assessed and diagnosis made according to the individual’s circumstances. The outcome from this will vary from case to case, but it may be that you require root canal treatment to treat the painful symptoms and prevent further dental problems. A root canal is performed when bacteria or plaque manages to reach the inner chamber of a tooth and infect the blood and nerve supply.

Root canal treatment process

While it is considered a surgical procedure root canal treatment can be carried out in one visit to your dentist. However, it is normally done over a series of visits. The process will typically include the following steps:

  1. First, x-rays are taken and assessed to determine if a root canal is required. This will be discussed with the patient.
  2. Both the patient and dentist will need to agree that a root canal is the right treatment pathway, after which the procedure can begin.
  3. A rubber dam will be placed around the tooth which is in need of treatment to protect it against saliva.
  4. The tooth and the areas around the tooth are numbed and treatment can then begin.
  5. Following anaesthetic administration, a small hole is made inside the tooth to access the inner chamber.
  6. This is when diseased pulp tissue is removed.
  7. The canals will be measured for the filling to be placed there.
  8. After each canal in the tooth has been measured they are cleaned and treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.
  9. Next, the teeth are filled and a temporary fitting is placed over the tooth before a permanent crown is fitted, often at a separate appointment.

Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.






CEREC Restoration In Just One Day For Patients In Liverpool

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

CEREC restorations and technology are used at the practice to provide crowns, veneers, onlay and inlay treatments within a single visit. All the procedures will be completed in the same appointment. You will not need to undergo further drillings, impression and injections, and most importantly you will not need to wear temporary restorations.

Good for a busy schedule

Since all the images, impressions and restorations are fabricated within the practice, patients who have busy schedules will be able to receive treatments immediately.  The measurement and fitting of your onlay or inlay, crowns and veneers will be done on the same day, making dental care very convenient.

High Quality Treatment

Due to the efficiency of CEREC 3D, no messy dental moulds will be required for the treatment, and the impressions taken for the dental restoration will always be of superior clarity. This implies that your new restoration will fit well and will look very much like the natural teeth. The results of the treatment will be long lasting as well.

CEREC can be used to create more than just crowns and fillings. The dentist can also use them to fix chipped or discoloured teeth, using porcelain anterior crowns or veneers. This also means that if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your dental appearance, you can easily get it fixed.

At Liverpool Dental Spa you no longer need to be conscious about your facial appearance when you smile or talk. Many people have their self-confidence shattered due to various dental conditions which can now be easily fixed. CEREC ensures highest level of restorative care for patients.

In the past fixing a dental issue meant to add something to the mouth that could be easily identified. This has been taken care off with the help of tooth coloured ceramics which are used while making CEREC restorations. This improves the appearance and strength of your smile.



How Can Patients In Liverpool Deal With Broken Teeth?

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

Broken teeth can severely damage an individual’s smile. It can also cause the individual to be conscious of their looks while talking and also while smiling. Some people may even try to cover their mouth while smiling or laughing. There are many reasons that can cause a tooth to break such as diet, injury and accident. In case of major breakage, veneers or dental implants can be used to provide the best solution. But in case of minor chips or cracks the option of composite bonding can be utilised.

Composite bonding

The materials used in composite bonding are similar to the colour of the tooth. This means that once the damage is treated, signs of the damage or the treatment could completely go unnoticed. During the treatment the chips or cracks will be filled with the composite material and will be later polished and shaped in way that it would look just like the natural tooth. .

Cracks, chipped corners and damages on the biting edges of the teeth can be corrected with the help of composite bonding. It is true that composite bonding are not as strong as porcelain veneers, however any worn out bonding can be easily replaced. All the treatment offered at the Liverpool Dental Spa for broken teeth aim at making the teeth aesthetically acceptable in a natural looking way and also promotes the functional capabilities.

The procedure of composite bonding begins with the etching of the teeth. The bonding material is then applied to the tooth surface and is later exposed to a special curing light which hardens the material. The material used for bonding is applied on a layer by layer basis till the desired translucency, texture and shape is achieved. In the final step, the dentist will polish and buff the composite to achieve the desired shape and smoothness.


What Does Gum Contouring Entail For Patients In Liverpool?

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Do you have a ‘gummy smile’? Debbie Harry does, as did Miley Cyrus. I just want to focus your attention on that all important ‘did’. Lots of people are perfectly happy with a bit of gum in their smile but, if you want to puts yours in the past tense, then you might want to hear about gum contouring.

What is gum contouring?

Glad you asked! It is essentially the reshaping of gum tissue.  When excess gum tissue covers part of the teeth, it can make teeth appear smaller and affect the smile. Gum contouring can equally help when there is too little gum, such as when tissue pulls away from the teeth or when there is such a small amount of gum tissue that the tooth root is exposed.

What ‘exactly’ is a gummy smile?

It is when a there is a high percentage of gum covering an individual’s teeth. It is mostly the result of genetics, but can be caused by some health conditions or as a side effect of certain medications. There aren’t any known medical issues linked to a gummy smile, it is mostly a matter of aesthetics and how they affect your confidence. Some care, some don’t.

What does gum contouring involve?

First of all, a local anaesthetic will be administered to the appropriate area. Either a scalpel or special laser device is then used to trim away excess gum. Your dentist will also reshape your gum to ensure it stays in place. Healing after treatment is usually very quick, but is even quicker when a laser device is used during surgery as it seals blood vessels. In some instances, removal the gum will not be enough. In these instances, some of the bone in which the teeth are rooted might need to be removed. This sound far more intimidating than simply cutting away gum, but it is a relatively simple procedure.

Talk to us

Whether you’re sold on gum contouring or simply have questions, please talk to us at Liverpool Dental Spa. We will happily answer whatever is on your mind!




New Teeth In Just One Day For Lucky Patients In The City Of Liverpool

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

In today’s fast moving world, we need dentistry that can keep up our Speedy Gonzales pace. One of the off-putting things about more complex dental procedures, such as having a dental crown produced, is the amount of time spent waiting around between multiple appointments. It just seems like a waiting and a lot of hassle. Thankfully, thanks to CEREC, such waiting can be a thing of the past!

What is CEREC?

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. Essentially it is an on-site milling machine which will produce a false tooth from a block of ceramic material. Depending on the complexity of the tooth being produced, this process can take anywhere between 6 and 30 minutes. These ceramic blocks come in a plethora of tooth-like shades and colours, so there should be no problem matching it to your other teeth!

What does a procedure with CEREC involve?

Firstly, you will be prepped as though you were having a standard crown or veneers procedure. However, rather than taking an impression of your teeth with dental putty, as is normal, your dentist will instead produce a digital image of your teeth by utilising a special camera. This picture will then be converted into a full 3D model of your tooth on a specialised computer. This 3D image will be used as a guide for designing your new tooth! After a few tweaks, the design will then be sent to the milling machine I mentioned previously. Once it has been produced, your tooth can then be stained or otherwise altered to help it sit naturally amongst your other teeth.  It will then be polished or glazed and then cemented into place!

The benefits of CEREC

Well, speed is the most obvious one: Not only does that mean ‘just one’ visit, but it also means ‘just one’ local anaesthetic. It also means ‘no temporary fittings’. Temporary fittings are common whilst patients are waiting for veneers or crown to return from a lab, but they do have a tendency to fall off!  As you will be present during the production, you will also be able to influence your tooth’s design more than if it was being produced off-site.






How Do Patients In Liverpool Treat Broken Teeth?

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

How do teeth break?

While teeth are remarkably strong there are a variety of reasons why they chip or break. For instance, biting on something hard such as a boiled sweet can cause the tooth to chip or crack.

Similarly, if something hits the face or a person falls over banging the mouth on a hard surface it could break a tooth.

Tooth decay and its subsequent treatment invariably make the teeth that little bit weaker. So, chipping or cracking are an increased possibility.

While minor cracks or chips are not usually painful, they can nevertheless feel a little awkward in the mouth. Running the tongue over a chipped tooth can feel sharp. Occasionally a person can feel pain when chewing.

Treating fractured teeth

It is important to realise that it is not possible to self treat broken teeth. This requires the skill of the dentist. So, if it is something that is troublesome, it is vital that a visit to the dental practitioner is made.

Visiting the dentist could also indicate whether the cause of the fracture warrants emergency surgery, particularly if the nerve is damaged. If so, root canal therapy may be required.

What types of fracture are there?

There are a number of different types of broken tooth, all of which will need treating in a different way. For instance, minor cracks in the enamel may just need the application of enamel polish. Similarly, chipped teeth generally don’t require treatment but the dentist may advise adding a filler to prevent further damage. The same applies to broken cusps.

More major cracks may require filling or a crown fitted. Serious cases especially where bleeding occurs may require root canal treatment

In some cases, the break may originate in the root and spread through to the surface of the tooth. If this is the case there may be infection of the root. Again root canal treatment may be necessary.

Finally, if the tooth is weak and starting to crumble, then restorative dental therapy may be advised.


Patients in Central Liverpool Learn All About CEREC Technology

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Having a smile to be proud of is something everyone wants, now thanks to new technology it is within everyone’s reach as well. CEREC is a new way to create fillings, crowns, veneers and it can even be used to repair chipped or broken teeth. The main benefit of this technology is that, there is zero waiting time. The restorations are made while you wait and fitted in just one visit to the dentist.

How does CEREC work?

CEREC uses 3D imaging and digital modelling to design and create the required restorations. So there is no need to have messy dental moulds taken and you can actually see what the end result will be, prior to the starting of the treatment. Because this system is more advanced than the traditional method of creating restorations, an exact match can be designed to ensure that it will blend into your mouth. This means that the restoration will look and feel as good as your natural teeth.

What does the treatment involve?

The dentist will take the necessary digital images of your mouth and tooth, or teeth, and they can then work on them in a 3D suite to create the perfect restoration. Once you are happy with the image the request is sent to an onsite milling machine. It can take anywhere from a 10 to 30 minutes to create the restoration but once it is complete it is ready to be fitted immediately.

By utilising this technology dentists can provide faster more efficient services to their patients. It also means that extensive work can be carried out in a single session and there is no need for the patient to have temporary restorations fitted.

For more information on CEREC technology please contact us at Liverpool Implants & Aesthetic Dental Spa in Central Liverpool.


Restoring Damaged, Broken Teeth in the City of Liverpool with Cosmetic Bonding

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Teeth can become broken or damaged for a number of reasons, ranging from trauma (being hit or knocked out) to simple ‘everyday’ wear and tear. When teeth become broken, it is very important to have them treated and repaired. Teeth left damaged can cause problems with eating or speaking normally, to say nothing of the further damage that can be caused by bacteria or infection setting in the broken tooth – sometimes leading as far as an abscess or a tooth falling out altogether. If a tooth is very badly damaged, it may be necessary to have a dental implant to replace the tooth. At the other end of the scale, less serious damage can be corrected with dental veneers, which cover the teeth. However, the most common treatment in the City of Liverpool for damaged teeth is a technique known as composite bonding.

What is composite bonding?

The basic principle behind composite bonding is to bind together the broken parts of the tooth, so that it once again functions like a normal tooth. As the materials used can be matched to the surrounding teeth, it will look like a normal tooth as well. After the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will choose the necessary ‘shade’ of bonding material and then etch the surface of the tooth with a special gel. This gives the bonding material a better surface to grip. The bonding material is then applied, and a special ‘curing’ light is used to set the material. Composite bonding is not as strong as some restorative materials such as porcelain, but worn-down bonding material is very easy to replace, and the procedure is relatively simple in the first place.

Straumann Dental Implants for a Smile in Liverpool that Could Last a Lifetime

Friday, June 1st, 2012

If you’re missing teeth then dental implants may be the treatment you need to give you back the smile you have lost. At Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetics Spa we use Straumann dental implants, one of the best dental implants available, to ensure that our dental implants can last a lifetime.

Why are Straumann Dental Implants so well regarded?

The Straumann Dental Implant company spends a portion of all profits made on the continued research of dental implants, which means they have found the best ways to both produce and place dental implants, for long-lasting, life-like results.

Some of the most effective methods of placing implants that Straumann have found include etching the surface of their implants to promote faster and more secure bonding with the jawbone and placing the implant without covering it with gum tissue. Both of these Straumann methods enhance the recovery time and the fusion of the implant, for strong, long-lasting results.

What can Straumann Dental implants be used with?

Straumann dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth with a crown, several missing teeth with a bridge or all missing teeth with a denture. Once your dental implant has been placed it will take 3-6 months to fully heal, after which your permanent restoration will be attached to the dental implants.

Backed by clinical research and with a proven success rate of around 95 per cent over the last 10 years, the Straumann Dental Implant has become the choice of many UK implant dentists in recent years.

If you are interested in dental implants to stabilise your smile please call the practice today to arrange an appointment. We provide dental implant services for patients in Liverpool and throughout the UK using Straumann dental implants, with many happy, smiling customers.


Liverpool Dental Patients can Receive Their Crowns, Veneers, Onlays and Inlays in Just One Day with Cerec Technology

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

Whenever you require a dental restoration such as a crown, veneer, inlay or onlay you usually have to wait several weeks for your personal restoration to arrive. After this you must return to the practice for a second set of injections to have your treatment.

However, at Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic we use Cerec technology, which allows us to create high quality dental restorations in-practice. This cuts down the number of visits you need to make to the practice and also allows you to finalise the end results.

How does Cerec treatment work?

First you tooth is prepared for the inlay, onlay, crown or veneer, after which 3D images are taken of your teeth and mouth. These are a great deal more accurate than dental putty and also a lot less messy! The images are then fed into the computer, after which your personal restoration will be created from a pure block of ceramic.

It usually only takes 30 minutes to create a Cerec restoration, which is an awful lot faster than the usual 2 weeks it takes more most other practices! Once this has been created it will be fitted into place, after checking the colour and fit are perfect.

What are the main benefits of Cerec restorations?

  • You will only require one visit, meaning you won’t have to take more time off work and you will only need to have one injection.
  • You can oversee the work and ask for changes if you are not happy with the first restoration made. Correcting any problems will be easy, as all work is done on-site and will not have to be sent back to any outside laboratories.
  • You will not have to wait for your brand new, beautiful smile, with all treatment completed on the same day.

For patients in Liverpool interested in the Cerec treatment please call the practice today for more information.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern